A common error made by many novice (and a shockingly high amount of those who should know better) players is feeling the need to participate on every hand dealt. A successful player only plays 20-30% of dealt hands. Much like a professional baseball player who is able to sign a multimillion dollar contract by maintaining a batting average of .300, the successful poker player knows that the majority of the time another player will walk away with the pot.
With that in mind it is important to play aggressively once you get a hand that you are confident in. Remember, 70% of the time other players are ready to fold in search of a hand that they think favors them! Be ready to force the weak players out with your aggressive bets. If you are confident you have the strongest hand in the game, raise the bet! The main reason for being aggressive is to have those with weak hands fold early on, as some tend to hang on looking for the miracle draw to win the hand. By forcing their hand early you are lowering the chance of those miracle hands and also ensuring you win the pot. It is always better to win a smaller pot than take a chance that another players draws that miracle hand late in the game.